Holy Eastertide Devotional & Feasting Guide
Our hope is that you celebrate the season of Easter with hearts full of joy and glasses raised to the heavens because King Jesus is resurrected! The tomb is empty. Jesus Christ the King has taken His seat at the right hand of the Father and He is now placing all His enemies under His feet.
This is cause for rejoicing.
Apologetics in the Church: An Internalized apologetic of the body of Christ
by Wes Mewbourne
edited by Grant E. Van Brimmer
In my last piece, we explored the necessity of having what I called an internalized apologetic. This is defined as the individual experience of salvation as a necessary precursor to any outward expression of faith, specifically a defense or reason for the faith. Here, we take the same concept and expand it to the body of Christ as a whole – namely, the Church itself.
Who was Athanasius the Great? Peter J. Leithart Book Review
The purpose I found in the book was that Leithart was attempting to show Athanasius’s theological impact in laying the foundation for Christians to understand Christian Nicene Creed theology, Christian metaphysics, trinitarian theology, Christology, the doctrine of creation, and the doctrine of the